Dr. Rai is a practicing GP in the UK and places a high priority on patient safety. When developing this web tool we built in the following safety features:

◤ The system will not hold identifiable data

◤ The site has 245-bit encryption

◤ The use of NHS approved questionnaires that explore mood, anxiety, and alcohol drinking behavior to provide standardised advice

◤ Red flags built into the system in several domains. If the employee activates any of these flags, the system will generate a letter that is emailed to them asking them to share our concerns with their GP

◤ Nudges – we have built in a nudge system which will automatically email the employee to repeat the questionnaire in areas where they have fallen short in their wellbeing. This is to promote continuous engagement with the wellbeing tool.

◤ The system provides signposting to over 100 self-help organizations and charities for areas where employees have flagged wellbeing concerns, making the advice and guidance more targeted and tailored to their needs.

◤ Employers will be able to see pseudonymised data of the level of workforce engagement and the level of improvement in their employee’s wellbeing scores.

◤ An organisation can fulfil their governance requirements by offering a digital wellbeing solution at scale.