Hessington Health has provided health screening services for over 20 years. Over these two decades we have detected many cancers in patients who have had no symptoms, leading to many of them receiving curative treatment. Every year, we identify hundreds of patients who are borderline diabetic, have high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. These conditions increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease, as well as other serious health conditions. Before we explain how we can help you on your health screening journey, it is important to ask, what is health screening?


Health screening is a way of identifying people who are at risk of developing health problems, allowing for informed decision-making and early treatment. The World Health Organisation (WHO) highlights the importance of health screening as part of successful early cancer detection strategies. There are two main components: early diagnosis and screening.

  • Early diagnosis aims to detect symptomatic patients as
    early as possible to maximise their successful treatment.
  • Screening, in contrast, involves testing healthy
    individuals to identify people who have a disease but
    do not yet show symptoms. Screening tests include
    methods like mammography for breast cancer and
    pap smears for cervical cancer.

Screening can lead to early detection of conditions, making treatment more effective, and can reduce the chance of developing a condition or its complications. There are limitations with screening tests as they are not perfect and can have false positive and negative results, leading to unnecessary further tests. If screening is carried out responsibly these risks can be mitigated against to some degree.


When it comes to health screening, we continue to innovate to ensure our patients benefit from the latest evidence-based testing methods. We pride ourselves on providing services that promote the doctor–patient partnership, which include the following:

  • Bespoke medical assessment
  • Detailed medical report
  • Full interpretation of your results
  • Advice and guidance tailored to you and specific to your needs
  • Action plan for any interventions to promote good physical and mental health
  • Onward referral letters to specialists (should they be required)
  • Consultation with the health screening doctor.
  • Following the wellness screen, this allows you to discuss any concerns